

an impending change

   Well apparently it’s been a really long time since I’ve reappeared in Blog-land. By “really long time” I mean just over a week, but that’s strange for a girl who’s used to checking Blogger at least twice a day.
   Finals week was insufferable as usual, but finished with a bang when I watched my best friend walk across a giant blue stage as he shook hands and accepted his college diploma. It seems like just yesterday that I awkwardly took pictures with him outside of our semi-dilapidated high school when he graduated four and a half years ago. Gee whiz.
   Now I’ve been home for the past nine days, thoroughly enjoying my 9:00am sleep-ins and home cooked meals. I’ve spent time with my sister, taken many quiet snowy walks with my furry friend, baked way too many sugary treats, wrapped numerous presents, sang Christmas songs possibly too loudly (as if there were such a thing…), and lounged in comfy clothes for a majority of the day. Can it GET any BETTER?

   But I can’t help but find myself thinking forward to this same time a year from now. Everything will change. I’ve never been one to be afraid of change, I am usually anxious about changes but find myself embracing them in the end. And it’s not that I don’t want these upcoming changes. I will be done with my undergraduate degree, I’ll be married, I’ll probably have a dog (I hope!), I’ll be studying for the CPA exam, and I’ll have to split my holiday celebrations between three households.
   Ever since I was little, Christmas has been a very intimate family experience. Christmas Eve was spent at Grandma’s house, enjoying a delicious meal with close family then annihilating an absurd number of presents, followed with pie and a dozy drive home scanning the sky for Rudolph. Christmas morning consisted of just the four of us enjoying Santa’s haul and a lazy day at home. Moving to Montana changed things slightly, but the idea has always been to keep it personal and calm.

   I’m marrying someone who comes from a split family. I’ve recently realized that this will most likely be my last Christmas spent in the cozy confines of my mountainous home, my four-membered family spending quiet quality time together. Next year I’ll be traversing our small valley with my new husband, cycling through the three families who very badly want to see our smiling faces.
   It will be so strange not waking up with my one and only sister at an earlier hour than usual, sharing the tiny bathroom while we try to make ourselves look good for the awaiting camera, getting tiny butterflies in our stomachs as we follow each other down the stairs and sneak peeks at what Santa left for us. It’ll be weird not sitting with my tiny family at our modest dinner table, eating the traditional quiche in our new Christmas pajamas. It’s going to feel odd not hanging out all day, passing the phone around to talk to and thank our dispersed family members for gifts shipped up north. It’s all just going to be so weird and I can’t stop thinking about it. And the worst part is that I know my little family is feeling the same way.
   So I’m trying to make this Christmas my favorite one yet. We’ve made Christmas cookies with friends, delivered goodies and carols to neighbors, shouted Christmas songs in the car with my sister, left candy canes downtown, watched innumerable Christmas movies, got excited for Santa, and gotten the feel-goods from giving gifts to loved ones. And it’s not even Christmas yet!
   I love my traditions, and as strange as it will be to have to change them and make new ones, I know everything will work out. Because everything always does. Change is hard but I’ve found that it’s usually pretty worth it!

Happy Holidays :) 



   I get told fairly often that I am reminiscent. I wasn’t aware of that particular characteristic before.
   Now that times are changing quicker than I ever anticipated, I find myself reminiscing more than is probably normal.

I reminisce about:

Lazy Sunday mornings at home, waking up at 10:30 and groggily making my way downstairs for a cup of coffee in my favorite mug.

Walking home from campus, enjoying the excuse to stretch my legs and daydream about my own cute cracker box house someday.

Spending time with my sister, never realizing how much I took those days for granted.
Lighthearted evenings with friends, all of us in that same semi-lost stage in life but filling our time with poorly cooked group dinners and cheap wine.

Listening to my favorite songs from my childhood, remembering how I’d dance around the living room thinking I was so cool in my tights and purple velvet miniskirt.

Telling my secrets to my dog and letting her sleep on my bed when no one else was home.
The soothing feeling of my mom running her fingers through my hair when I’m two seconds away from falling asleep on the couch.

Waiting anxiously for Garrett to come pick me up for dinner and a movie after he got done working on the farm.

Spending my summer evenings trying to beat my dad’s record of free throws on our makeshift driveway basketball court.

Talking to my childhood friends on the phone for hours just because we had nothing better to do.

   Reminiscing is funny, though. Soon I’ll look back at these days of trudging across campus, cramming for exams, eating whatever is readily available and inexpensive, and late nights of randomness and miss them just as I miss the others. 


this 'n that v.1

Yay for new link-ups! Jena is hosting a weekly funfest: This&That

This: Last day of classes! I had an exam today unfortunately and knew beforehand that I needed to get at least an 85% on it in order to not have to take the final next week. So I studied and studied and drank coffee and then studied more and took a nap and suddenly it was test time. This particular class (cost accounting, exciting stuff…) has computerized exams which is just awesome not. For some reason my brain can’t work through things on a screen as well as on paper. Anyway, the whole time I was taking said exam my heart was pounding and I kept thinking “what if I only get an 84%?! Wahh!”. At the end I forced myself to click “submit” and my score was immediately revealed: 87.3%! Ha! Take that, you technological meanie.

That: Today was Garrett’s last day of college classes EVER. What the hey? I swear it was just yesterday I was crying into my bad perm and twin-bed comforter the day he left me for college-land. And now he’s about to graduate. If I had a super power it would be the ability to slow down time.

This: I got a phone call from the bridal shop today saying my dress is back from being altered! Yippee! Now for another fitting and the addition of some bra cups…gotta give the ladies some lift.

That: It’s snowing. A lot. I kind of forgot it was December there for a bit.


settle down, you!

   It has been fairly windy here recently, which I am not particularly a huge fan of (no pun intended). My hair’s archnemesis is wind so whenever the two of them battle, I bear the brunt of the disharmony by looking like a complete idiot.
   For example, this was how I looked all day yesterday as I walked/ran around campus:

Please ignore my club-like hands. It's been a while since I've drawn a picture, ok?

   Seriously. Three tiny little strands of my spiderweb-like hair were constantly floating a good foot above my head. I kept having to reach up and grab them and force them behind my ear whilst most likely looking like a schizophrenic trying to shoo away air-demons. Why only those three strands? Why wouldn’t they just stay put? These mysteries of life.

   In other news, it’s dead week here in college-land which means two things:

One: next week is finals week
Two: I will have no life. 

   Bring on the never ending study sessions accompanied by pain and suffering! Winning.


wedding update

Progress has been made! Amazingly.

1. Bridesmaid dresses = found! Need to be altered, need some accessorizing, but are now in my possession nonetheless.

2. Wedding colors = decided upon! Not the best quality picture ever taken, but you get the idea. As you can see I’m not really going for the “everything must be these three exact colors” vibe, more like the “here are some colors I like and if we could find things that kind of match those that would be great” vibe. 

3. Something about myself = discovered! I’m particular about everything else in my life except for wedding details. Could be a good thing…could be a bad thing…I guess it may be too soon to tell.


the best years

   Recently Garrett and I got to talking about how funny it is that people refer to their College Days as the “best years of your life”. We agreed that sure, you get your first taste of independence which is undoubtedly awesome. But with independence comes responsibilities, and with responsibilities comes work, and with work comes time management, and with time management comes stress. Thus the process of becoming an adult! Now that Garrett’s graduation from college is looming closer than either of us realized, we’ve been reflecting a lot about the past four years. Was it everything we’d hoped? Do we feel like they were the “best years of our lives”?

   Yes…and no.

   Yes because of being on your own, making new friends, utilizing time any way you want to, no chores, living in a new place, fabulous professors, freedom to choose whether you want to go to class or not, eating anything and everything whenever you feel like it, late nights, interesting courses, “cloudy” memories, funny pictures, and so much more.

   No because of all the school work, how easy it is to fall behind, no home-cooked meals, loved ones being far away, petty friend fights, late nights studying because you procrastinated, eating like crap because you’re too broke to go to the grocery store, hardly any free time, running out of gas, heavy backpacks, bad professors, icy campus sidewalks, and the list goes on.

   It was surprising to me to realize that the only thing that has really bugged me these last four years, and I mean got under my skin and frustrated me on a regular basis, was…

No free time to do what I actually wanted to do with my life.

   I work really really hard in school. I hold my work in very high esteem and it literally makes me feel bad about myself if I do poorly in my classes. Some people look at me like I’m completely nuts when they hear I spend hours upon hours doing homework every night, that I study for tests for days, that I actually do the readings for class, that I get upset if I don’t earn that A. Why? Because I am 100% paying for my education. By myself. No help. Nothing. It’s me, the scholarships I earn from my aforementioned hard work, more loans than I care to think about, and my two part-time jobs. Why would I not give every ounce of effort to my college education if I’m going to have to pay for it for the next 20 years? The best part is that I’m going to look back at these years and think, “man, I’m so glad I worked so hard in school. It opened doors for me and now I’m able to pay back those loans with a good paying job! Yay me!” Despite all this horrific suffering, I know it’ll be worth it.

   But that doesn’t stop me from daydreaming about all the things I would rather be doing. In fact, I think about my pretend hobbies on a daily basis. Garrett told me to write them down so I don’t forget them, so one day when I’m not doing homework every weeknight or studying for exams all day Sunday, I might actually be able to do them:

Learn to play the piano
Become fluent in French
Write a short story (and get it published!)
Become a yoga-pro
Learn to knit
Become a baking goddess
Study the Montana Homesteading Era (& travel to all the old ghost towns!)
Try to oil paint
Catch up on scrapbooking
Make a quilt
Plant & maintain a garden

   Just thinking about those things makes me more hopeful for the years to come! And to retouch on the subject of “best years”, I think these college years have definitely been the “best years of my life”, just like high school was, and just like my next few years will be… I have faith that the life Garrett & I are starting together will continue to top the previous “best years”. I know it. 

Prom 2008



   So last Friday it snowed a bajillion inches and the absolute last thing in the world I wanted to do was get out of my cuddly pajamas and venture out into the blizzardy conditions, but because I am an outstanding Samaritan I put on my Big Girl Pants and stuck with my obligations. I usually avoid campus at all costs on Fridays because I don’t have classes, just work, so why would I even get in close proximity to that hellish place? But last Friday was not an ordinary Friday due to plans to meet with my BUS101 professor (the one I’m a student associate for) in order to take half of the essays the students wrote earlier in the week because she wanted to split the task of grading them (even though I graded the last batch of them all by myself). 
   The plan was to meet on the 3rd floor of Reid Hall at 9:00am, receive half of the stack, grade a few together, then go to my job (the job I’m supposed to work from 9:30 to 1:30). See how I had to rearrange my life to make this work? Not pleased. So I’m up and ready to go, just about to place my hand on the doorknob to step foot into the winter wonderland when my phone receives a text from the professor saying “can we make it 10?” Um, sure I guess. 
   So now what? I busy myself with checking Facebook and trying weird things with my hair only to leave it the way it always is until 9:35 rolls around. So now I really have to venture out there and I realize halfway to my car that all this snow on the ground probably has also accumulated atop my unsheltered vehicle – duh! Ten minutes later my car is drive-able but I take the backroads just in case some policeman isn’t a fan of my 3x1 foot peering space through the windshield. The roads were not a fun experience but I made it to campus in one piece and began the trek from the F lot (aka: Far away from everything Lot) to Reid Hall. 
   I make it to the 3rd floor literally as the clock struck 10. I know this because I looked at my phone and at the same exact time received another text from my professor saying “running late! Be there in a half hour”. Gah! So now I’m out of breath, sweating slightly in my fourteen layers of winter apparel, a little jittery because of the crappy gas station coffee I gulped down while ice skating to campus on the crazy roads, and now I have to sit here and wait for another half hour? The time slowly ticked by and she finally showed up only to hand me 7 of the 14 essays and then say “I have an advising meeting in five minutes, can you just take these and try to get them done in the next week?” Well sure. So I leave Reid Hall, back to the lot of Fun, to my car that is covered in now-muddy snow, and make my way to work an hour and a half late.

That was Friday.

   So today, that same professor and I taught our class and before I left the classroom I said, “have you gotten the chance to grade your 7 essays yet?” and she says that no, she hasn’t had the time. Well I haven’t had the time either but somehow I’ve busted out a few of them! I didn’t say that. Then she says, and I quote, “oh! Actually, since I’m going to be out of town for the next ten days visiting family, can you just take my half of the pile and grade them, too?

   So that was my day. 


this weekend, I...

   Oh I am just loving November! So many random days of school and work off. Last week, I was really excited about having Election Day off because Tuesdays are my “hard days”, aka four classes in a row plus work. Yuck. But it turned out I had to spend five hours of it at the library having 1-on-1 meetings with the BUS101 students in the class I’m a student associate for. Not ideal. And then I had to go to work at the bridal shop.
   But today! I have absolutely nothing, nada, zilch! That’s a lie. I have a crap-ton of stuff I have to do today such as finish an enormous, hand-written, comprehensive tax return that just won’t seem to leave me alone. Some laundry needs to be done, some chapters need to be read, etc but I’m mainly ecstatic about the fact I don’t have to physically go anywhere. In fact, I’m pretty sure I’m going to stay in these sweatpants and not brush my hair.
   The last couple days have been pretty fun! I’ve been craving a weekend like this for a while now.
Friday Night
Apparently this happened overnight. Surprise…?

   Went to a friend’s house with some friends and sat in the hot tub for a good three hours as snow gently fell all around us. Perfect night for some soakin’.

   Breakfast with my love at a cute, modern cafĂ© down the street called Clark’s Fork (funny if you know that a name of a big river in MT is the Clark Fork!)

   Made my mom’s (semi) famous cheesy artichoke dip and proceeded to eat more than the two other guys I was with did.

Went to see 007 Skyfall! I am obsessed with Daniel Craig as James Bond. You could probably just buy me his three Bond movies for Christmas, just sayin’…

Church then breakfast at The Western. Biscuits & gravy = my usual.

Ping pong challenge for a good two hours. I needed a study break, ok? And Garrett is always up for some butt whoopin’ (yes, I win from time to time).

Followed by homework, homework, oh and some more homework.

I cannot wait for the day the word “homework” is no longer in my vocabulary!


a love story

   If you recall this particular scenario, prepare for one completely different.

   Garrett worked all last Saturday, which is usually our all-day-hangout-day, so I decided to fill the time with some wedding prep activities. Luckily my roommate/bridesmaid is always down for wedding-related adventures so we planned a couple errands for after she got off work. A year ago, a cute little specialty bridal boutique opened up across the street from our apartment. Despite the proximity, I’d never ventured over there because I could just sense the overpriced gowns and snobby salesgirls from my house. Also, because I work at another bridal shop a ways down the road I just figured that would be where I would eventually find my dress. Why look anywhere else, right?


   So my roommate and I walked across the street and stepped into a teeny tiny front display room stuffed to the brim with lacey, fluffy, glittery, $2,000 wedding gowns. We took our time, pretending we weren’t tasting bile in our mouths from the absurd prices, and eventually were approached by a saleswoman. This was our conversation:

Andree (the salesgirl): Can I help you find anything?
Me: We’re just kind of looking. We live across the street and figured we’d stop in.
Andree: Oh. So…no particular reason?
Katie (my roommate): Well, she (pointing at me) is getting married.
Andree: OHHHHHH!!! Welcome, welcome! What are you looking for?! What style? Color? When’s your date? TELL ME ALL THE THINGS! (slightly exaggerated)

   So I went on to tell her I like the subtle sweetheart neckline, princess cut, off-white, some ruching, etc. Then she inquired about my budget:

Me: Umm, under $2,000. More like…under $1,000.
Andree: OH! I just have the perfect dress. I just love this one! See, look how pretty it is. Everything you said you wanted.
Me: Yeah it’s gorgeous, how much is it?
Andree: $999. Right in your budget!
Me: That’s…a little high, actually.
Andree: Oh? So…like, $750?
Me: Yeah. Or…lower…
Andree: $500…?
Me: $300.
Andree: Oh, well, that’s ok. Um…we don’t have much for that price on the floor, however. We’re more of a specialty boutique so it’s going to be pretty tough finding what you want at that price. I’m sorry.
Me: That’s ok. That’s kind of what I expected. Oh well, I just wanted to come look! Thanks for your –
Andree: Well there is a sale rack at the back of the store. But they’re kind of out-of-style, like really really white and not much lace or anything.
Katie: Might as well take a look!

   So even though I was feeling slightly defeated, I followed the two of them to the very back of the store and was introduced to an enormous sales rack. Katie and I began sifting through it and laughed at more than a few styles, but then we found two that actually looked wearable. They were pretty similar – the same color but some different beading and ruching patterns. Andree asked if I’d like to try them on, which I totally wasn’t planning on doing considering I was wearing about 6 layers of clothing, but I eventually gave in.
   The first one I tried on was a 14 which is far too big, but Andree was armed with some heavy duty clips. I shimmied into it, not expecting much, and waited for the clips to be placed before facing the mirror.

Oh my goodness.

   It was beautiful! The neckline was the perfect sweetheart shape, the ruching was unbelievably flattering, the beading around the princess-cute waistline was unique and feminine, the length was perfect, there were little buttons all the way down the back and each one had a tiny beaded flower, and the color was stunning! PERFECT!!!

   But then my mind immediately went to the price.

   I asked Katie to look at the tag for me once Andree had stepped away and she basically gasped.

It was $99.


   I almost collapsed in relief. This was it! I had found my dress!

   After asking Andree how much the alterations would cost to take it down to my size, I asked her to set it aside for me until I had a chance to talk to my parents. I’m usually a very impulsive buyer so I was impressed with my ability to hold off. I had a chance to talk to my mom and she couldn’t have been more excited for me! So that next Monday I went in and bought it. I bought my wedding dress! Ahhh it feels sooooo good.

   Funny how these things happen when you least expect it, eh?


this happened today



   Yep, the official transition from warm to cold weather clothing. Notice how I refused to make the swap until November...and it snowed in September. It’s a tough thing to do, ok?! 

   This picture also makes me realize I need to branch out with the ol’ winter clothing color collection. If you need anything grey, I can totally help you out.

   That just reminded me of the funniest costume idea ever that my roommate told me yesterday. Wear every piece of grey clothing you own and go to a costume party as “fifty shades of grey”. HA! Shoulda, coulda, woulda.

When do you all do the “official switch” every year? Is it as depressing for you as it is for me? 


AK day 3

   I’m behind on my trip recap but better late than never, right?
   Monday was interview day, which meant I had to wake up early and meet a group of fellow recruits in the lobby of the hotel at about 8:15am. The KPMG office was only a few blocks away but we got to ride a bus/van because it was chilly! Our destination was on the 6th floor of a building downtown and overlooked the bay (I think that’s what it’s referred to as…?). It was a fairly small office but very modern and organized – just my style! There was a brief informational session before a tour of the office followed by two one-on-one interviews with the “top dogs”. It all went so fast! I keep referring to it as a whirlwind experience. Surprisingly, I wasn’t nervous at all going in to the interviews which is not normal for me at all. Usually my palms sweat profusely and my throat gets all dry – so attractive, right? But my comfort must have been derived from two days’ worth of interactions with KPMG employees before the actual interviews. They plan it well!
   I felt really good about how my one-on-one sessions went when it was all over. I was whisked off to lunch by two of the newer tax department hires at a nice restaurant downtown, along with my competition! Kind of awkward… especially because I didn’t even realize he was my rival until halfway through the meal.
   After lunch, we all were shuttled back to the hotel. It had been a long and anxiety-ridden morning so I changed right back into my purple leopard print pajama pants and jumped into bed. I attempted to do some homework but succumbed to a nap eventually. Once again, oh the pleasures of trying to be won over as a potential future employee!
   The evening closed with another mingling event on the top floor of the hotel. The view of the sunset over the bay was breathtaking! And the company (as in the people) was really great. Save for the few mega-nerds that were in attendance, the majority of the group consisted of great people who provided great conversation. I can definitely picture myself working in Anchorage for a few years!
   I flew out early Tuesday morning and made it to Bozeman at around 4:00pm. Talk about pooped! The weekend passed by in record time and the time-changes didn’t help the situation. This time, traveling was a much better experience, though, because I had a few fellow Montanans to stick with.
   So, what’s the best part of the trip, you may ask…?
I got the internship!!!!!! 
   Now Garrett and I have some logistic figuring to do about next summer since the sequence will be: I graduate, we get married, we leave for the internship in June, we come back in August, I start graduate school in September... That is, if we decide to take the offer.
What do you all think about living in Alaska?