Since all the blogger-folk I follow are reminiscing about
their love stories in celebration of Valentine’s Day, it made me want to tell
mine. So you get to read it. Yay, you!
It was my sophomore year in high school and I had the
BIGGEST crush on this kid, who I will refer to as J. J was funny, athletic, had
good morals, and was pretty cute despite the mild acne and remaining baby fat.
My good friend, who is actually my current roommate in college (weird!), and I
hung out with J and his good friend A quite a bit. We’d have movie nights at
least once a month and hang out during lunch break at school.
As the annual girl-ask-guy dance (aka, “Sweetheart”)
approached, I decided I’d muster up the confidence and ask J to be my date. I
had it all planned out; I was going to decorate his locker (obviously),
decorate his red pickup, and make him a big card out of cardstock asking him to
the dance. It was very unoriginal but still awesome.
Much to my dismay, J got snatched up by one of my gal pals a
few days before my attack. I was severely disappointed. Now who would I ask?!
Almost everyone was taken. My four
other backups had been asked already. I was SOL and not happy about it.
I had choir with a girl named D who was a year below me. She
and I stood next to each other in class and she told me about her life
while I nodded and listened along. One good thing about our friendship was that she had an older brother, who will be referred to as G,
that was a Junior. I didn’t know him very well but had French with him on B
days. Due to the fact our high school consisted of barely over 400 students, it
was kind of difficult to not know at least five facts about someone. This is
what I knew about G:
- He's very, very tall
- He lives on a farm
- He hangs with the "cool crowd"
- He's in band
- He has a good French accent
And that was about it! I also found him pretty cute but, due
to my current semi-permed hair and braces state of appearance, I didn’t see
there being much of a chance. D tried for a few days to convince me to ask her
brother to Sweetheart. I kept telling her there was no way he’d say yes, that
he’d probably already been asked by 27 girls, and that I didn’t even know him
that well. Nonetheless, she never gave up. About a week before the dance, she
told me she’d get me his locker number and give me his phone number if I grew a
pair and asked him to go with me. Nervous but slightly excited, I agreed.
That next day after school, one of my friends and I scurried
to G’s locker in the Junior hallway and decorated it with giant red paper
hearts and little notes that said “Will you go to Sweetheart with me?”, signed
“anonymous” but with my phone number attached. The plan was that D would tell G
to check his locker after basketball practice so he’d see it
That night I was extremely nervous as I awaited his phone
call. Hours went by even after I knew his practice had ended. Had he seen it? Did I put it on the wrong
locker? Did he think it was weird and not want to go with some
amateur-locker-decorator to the dance? All those thoughts echoed through my
Finally I couldn’t take the anxiety anymore and picked up
the phone myself to ask him if he’d seen his locker. Normally I would never, ever, under any circumstances call a boy
because my face would get all hot and my hands would sweat and my voice would
sound like I was trying to imitate a helium-induced squeal-like pitch. And, not
surprisingly, that’s exactly what happened when I called G. This is how our
conversation went:
G: “Hello?”
G: “Oh yeah, I know.”
Me: “You know? How?”
G: “D told me.”
Me: “Oh, gotcha.”
G: “Yeah.”
Insert extremely awkward 5-10 second pause…HERE.
Me: “So you don’t really have to if you don’t want to…”
G: “No I want to.”
Me: “Ok…”
G: “It’s just that this other girl already asked me.”
Me: “Well you can go with her.”
G: “No, I’ll go with you. I just don’t know what to tell
Me (in my head): Well
how ‘bout “no” for starters…
Me: “Oh ok.”
Insert another pause…here…
G: “Ok well I’ll tell her you asked me first. Plus I think
she asked like four people. So I’ll go with you.”
Me: “Ok!”
G: “Ok. Well I gotta go but I’ll see you in French
So definitely not the most romantic conversation. I mean,
it’s not like I expected him to squeal with delight that I had “chosen” him to
be my date and talk about how excited
he was. But a little tiny bit of glee would’ve been appreciated. From that
point on, I commenced Operation Awkward Anna. I knew the next few weeks would
be hell with all the inquiries of “do you like G?” and resulting assumptions of
“OMG! You totally have a crush on G!”
I also started to realize they were kind of right. I don’t
know if it was just my mid-teen hormones getting super excited about the slight
possibility of a guy liking me or if I subconsciously knew there was some
mutual interest. I did know, however, that every time I saw him at school, and
I mean every time, my face would turn
purple and my heart would start beating abnormally fast and I would scan my
location for the nearest possible exit so I didn’t have to talk to him looking
like some psycho sweaty purple-faced person. That went on for the entire
duration of time before the dance. People would ask me why I even asked G to go
with me if I couldn’t even talk to him in public. They reminded me I’d kind of
have to talk to him at the dance. Not even that, I’d have to make physical contact with him because, after
all, it was a dance.
Ah, shit.
I had completely forgotten what had started this whole
emotion frenzy. I had to show up with him in front of everyone at school and dance with him?! Not only that, but I’d
have to probably spend time with him before the dance because apparently the
cool thing to do was go out to dinner together beforehand. Gee whiz.
Thanks to my friend volunteering my house for me, it was
decided that I would host the pre-dance dinner. It would be me, G, my friend
that asked J, and J. Wonderful. Let the awkwardness begin!
The night of the dinner, G called me and asked for
directions to my house. For some reason, he said he kind of knew how to get
there which was strange to me because I lived in the middle of NOWHERE.
Seriously. I could stand out on my porch for hours and the only voice I’d hear
was the farmer on the lot below us yelling at his sheep.
Anyway, G, J, and my friend all showed up and we ate a
delicious dinner of Chinese take-out in our little cabin that sits on our
property which doubles as my dad’s office. Our main house was so small that we
wouldn’t have been able to host our group while still allowing my parents and
sibling to inhabit the structure.
During the course of the meal, we tried at conversation but
mainly stuffed our faces with eggrolls and fried rice. This was before I realized
shoveling forkfuls of carbohydrates into my mouth with limited breaks for
breathing wasn’t the most ladylike behavior. A majority of the conversation
consisted of my friend and I laughing about stupid things only 15 year old
girls would think were funny and complimenting each other’s liquid eyeliner.
About halfway through our feast, G cleared his throat and began the strangest
conversation of my life.
G: “So, uh, this might be a weird question…”
Me: blank stare.
G: “But uh, do you have a room in your house, upstairs, with
a little tiny door?”
Me: after exchanging a
quizzical look with my friend, “yes…”
G: “Oh ok,” slight
pause. “And uh, do you have a spiral staircase?”
Me: “Um…yes…”
G: “Oh ok. I used to live here.”
That really happened. So
it turns out that G and his mom rented my house (before I lived there,
obviously) after his parents got divorced. His bedroom was my sister’s room and
his favorite place to play was the little attic space that was accessible
through the tiny door upstairs. What’s weirder is when we moved in, my sister
and I found a little toy tractor up in a grove of pine trees and we figured a
cute little boy must’ve lived there at one point and played where we played.
And yes, that cute little boy is now my boyfriend of almost five and a half
Since I wasn’t allowed to date until I was 16, G waited for
me and we’ve been together ever since. I am so blessed to have been able to
spend those trying years with someone so special and I hope there are many more
in our future. So many more stories come from those first few months of trying
to asses each other that will require more than just one blog post! But that
is the tale of the beginning…
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