

i lied about the novel thing.

   You know what’s really, really hard? Completely recapping the last month of my life in a blog post. I keep putting it off and putting it off, but it just makes it add up more to the point that I get anxiety just thinking about all the WORDS I have to TYPE! And it’s all just so silly because I started blogging so I could keep my loved ones informed and instead I’m just hoarding all this juicy information. How cruel.

   So I just decided that instead of writing “part two” of the so-called novel I invented in my last post, I’m just going to say random things. Whatever pops into my head, no matter how important, regardless of the order they happened in, begins now.
  • I am living in a humid, noisy, dirty, dark, cold, basement apartment in Anchorage, Alaska. I’ve been here for a little over a month now and I still can’t get over how weird it is that I am living in ALASKA? Who would have ever thought. I live with my new husband, Mr. Morris, and we are making due with our current predicament.
  • I work at a fancy-shmancy accounting firm downtown in one of the tallest buildings looking out toward the beautiful inlet. I have a love/hate relationship with work right now because it’s summer and who wants to work? And it’s a hard job. I have to teach myself a lot and I use my brain more than I’d like to. But the view from my office is just….it’s just.
  • We added a member to our new little family! A beautiful pure white “Alaskan” husky (that’s not a real breed but, you know what? No one cares) She’s the sweetest little girl and I already love her to pieces. We don’t officially get to take her home until next weekend so I am just PINING away.

  • I have no tan, whatsoever. This is important because I am a very, very pale person in real life and I genuinely depend on my summers to give me that “living” glow that I can sport until around the time of the first Montana snow. But not this year. As my dad used to say, “I’ll meet you next to the clear girl”. Alaska summers, you’re a bit different from what I’m used to.
  • I eat far too many pita chips for my own good.
  • My favorite place in AK so far has been…everywhere other than where people are. Alaskans are weird, ok? At least people in Anchorage are weird. There are a lot of homeless people, drunk people, homeless drunk people, homeless people that wish they were drunk, drunk people who think they’re homeless…etc, etc. But I love getting outside of the city and exploring! We’ve been hiking, biking, exploring, driving, walking, sitting, playing all over the place.

  • I am making some good money! It’s exciting. But I’m pretending it doesn’t exist because I have MARRIED WOMAN responsibilities. Boo. Hiss. Just kidding.
  • Newsflash: men are less tidy than women.
  • My upstairs neighbors are the LOUDEST PEOPLE ON EARTH.
  • I still haven’t finished my wedding gift thank you notes?

And there you have it. My life in a very tiny nutshell.