

study, you fool!

   Well I have learned my lesson about posting on blogs without saving my work. Last week I typed out this really funny post (I was definitely laughing to myself while typing it) and pushed “post to blog” when I finished checking over it. Lo and behold, my internet connection was lost and everything I just typed was lost somewhere in Internet land. I was pissed.
   But since I’m so dedicated to writing to no one in particular, I decided to redo it. This time I’m typing into Word then pasting & copying. Like I said, lesson learned.
   So two weeks ago I had what I like to call a Week From Hell. These roll around every so often, typically during the school year when I’m already irritated with, well, everything. But this week was particularly hellish because it crept up on me and really bit me in the butt.
   I’ve always used a day planner, even in high school, because I honestly cannot retain information. If you tell me something, I can promise you I will forget it. Unless it’s something really juicy, or if it regards dogs and/or coffee. I like dogs and coffee, and juicy pieces of gossip. This year I decided to start a new strategy involving planning my days out literally hour by hour or class by class in order to manage my time better. At first, it sucked because my days were calculated out before I even woke up but now it’s working great and I actually get stuff done! The one downfall, however, is that it only goes week to week.
   I usually make my new Week Schedule on Sundays and I look in my planner to see what all needs to be done and strategically put it on the day of the week that would work best. It’s a science, I tell ya! So the week before the Week From Hell I managed to not mention anything about all the upcoming exams, quizzes, and assignments in my little schedule. Therefore, when Sunday rolled around, I looked at the upcoming week in my planner and saw this:

   So obviously I immediately panicked, realizing I hadn’t even began studying for all those tests and exams.
   The one I was most worried about was on Thursday in my upper division Accounting class. Needless to say, I spent every night up until that exam studying into the wee hours of the morning. It sucked. My brain can only handle so much information so slowly things began to shutdown, mental-state wise. The exam began at 6:30 and this is my thought process:
3:00 – Alright, self. You’ve got just about three hours to learn everything you need to know about chapters 6 and 7. You’ve got this. No sweat.
3:20 – Ok, good start. Looks like you’ve read a total of…two pages?! WTF self? You don’t have time for this! Get going or you. will. fail.
3:32 – My brain hurts. And I want some Craisins. Ok, so I’ll get up after I finish this page, go to the bathroom, grab some Craisins, check Facebook, put my hair up…anything else I can do to waste time??
3:59 – I just wasted a half hour doing nothing. Get to work, idiot.
4:30 – Now that’s more like it! A solid half hour of studying and I kind of know what I just read! Now for a reward. Oh look, Family Guy’s on! Awesome.
5:00 – Shit. Shit shit shit my test is in an hour and a half! It’s ok. I’ve got this.
5:13 – I hate my life and I don’t care if I fail. My brain hurts and this makes no sense. Another episode of Family Guy?? Saweet.
5:30 – I just realized I have to leave my house in a half hour in order to get to the test on time. STUDY YOU FOOL!
5:59 – I no longer care. Yay, tests!
   Some of you might find that sad. Or disturbing, either one. I just figured I’d give you a glimpse into the thought process of a semi-ADD college student who can’t manage time worth a damn.

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