

Thursday Thoughts VI

My Thursday Thoughts this week consist of:
   Tonight was the annual Meet the Accounting Recruiters event which is a BIG DEAL in the ol’ accounting department. I was very anxious for it because this was the first year I’ve gone where I had to actively “sell myself” instead of just wandering and observing. Senior year certainly snuck up on me! But it went pretty well, I’m hoping to get a few calls/emails to come in for interviews. I have one tomorrow morning and another on Tuesday but I’d like to get as many as humanly possible so I can have options. Cross yer fingers for me!

   My phone completely died last weekend when I was in Utah for a wedding (of course) so I had to go phoneless for a few days. It was strange but SO nice! I felt like a new person! I never realized how much I depended on my phone until it wasn’t even an option. For instance, Garrett and I resorted to a few emails throughout the day whenever I could get to a computer. We usually text all day long so it was really weird to not be able to communicate with the touch of a few buttons whenever I wanted. But I am now back to normal, phone in hand…constantly.

   While in SLC for the wedding last weekend, Garrett’s mom asked me what I picture my wedding dress looking like. I described it to her and she said “well, you basically just described my dress!” She’s coming to visit this weekend and said she’ll bring it for me to try on – YEEE I am so excited! I hope it turns out being my Dream Dress so I can be done with that part!

   About that wedding? Garrett’s mom’s stepsister married my cousin’s best friend’s younger brother. Fo realz.
   Small world, eh?

   I really really want to plan something fun for this weekend that I can look forward to. For the past few weeks, some gal pals and I have tried to do Thursday Wine Nights but tonight didn’t work out. I just feel so swamped with everything that one little fun thing would totally brighten my outlook. Hopefully something comes up!

   Today marks almost a month of my no-refined-sugar “diet” (aka:  no cookies, donuts, chocolate, candy, muffins, ice cream, brownies, etc) and I have to say it’s not as hard as I anticipated! And I truly feel better when that category is just completely eliminated. Y’all should try it!

Well happy Thursday! Thanks for readin’. Do something FUN this weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Hope her dress is your dream dress or at least gives you some good ideas!!

    I couldn't live without sugar god i love it soooo much haha.


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