

the right one.

   So you know how in movies, romance novels, sitcoms etc, the featured couple figures out that they’re “right” for each other due to heroic ventures or sappy love scenarios? And you base your personal love experiences off of those situations and think “why can’t I find a guy that travels miles and miles on a camel without any money to his name and a severe bullet wound to his left shoulder but still manages to carry a bouquet of my favorite flowers and present them to me whilst confessing his utmost adoration?” (Amongst other scenarios, of course).

   And you get a little depressed because it seems very unrealistic to find a guy that reads your mind, buys you expensive gifts for no reason, and supplies an endless number of foot massages.

   But then one day you have a really big problem. Since you’re poor and don’t have a printer, you wait to print out an assignment that’s due. You usually email these things to yourself so you can print them on campus but for some unknown reason you decided not to (aka: totally spaced it) and now you have three options:

1. Skip your next class and forgo the important attendance points so you can get to your computer, email the dumb assignment to yourself then go back to campus and print it out in hopes that you can accomplish it all before the paper is due
2. Call your fiancé and plead for his assistance
3. Growl to yourself upon realization of your mistake then stand up abruptly and yell “CURSES UPON ALL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTES!” and run out of the computer lab toward the nearest safe place

I went with option B. 

The conversation that ensued follows:
Me: I desperately need your help.
Him: With what??
Me: I forgot to email an assignment to myself and it’s due in an hour and I can’t afford to skip class and I could really really use your help in printing it out!
Him: Ok, how?
Me: Go to my house, get on my computer, open up the homework folder, then open up the audit folder, find the paper called ‘CPA’, email it to yourself, then print it out and find me to bring it to me all within the next hour…
Him: Ok.
Me: Ok?
Him: Yeah, I can do it. See you soon!

   Less than a half hour later I had my assignment in my hand, flawlessly printed without even a slight bend to the paper.

THAT, my friends, is how you know you have The Right One.

   Now excuse me while I go rub his back for an hour.

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