

first world problem

   Today was starting out 100% normal (save for the fact that I randomly woke up literally two seconds before my alarm went off. Not normal.) So I guess it was 99.2% normal.
   Grabbed my “usual” of yogurt and granola, meandered into my room to watch the update on Hurricane Isaac, and then this sound emanated from my bathroom:
   So I peeked in there out of sheer curiosity to discover that water was filling up my sinks at an extremely rapid pace via the drains.
   I frantically ran into my roommate’s room and said something along the lines of “help-something-is-flooding-and-I-don’t-know-what-to-do-come-help-sinks-ah!” with a mouthful of yogurt/granola mixture nonetheless.
   So we raced to my bathroom and realized both my sinks were going to overflow soon if we didn’t do something to stop it.
   I grabbed the nearest item that could hold liquid and began scooping water out of my left sink with a plastic cup into a blue day cooler. She grabbed a cup and a giant mixing bowl and got to work on the right sink.
   Pretty quickly we also realized that the water was warm. And bubbly. And smelled like Tresemme products. And that our upstairs neighbor was in the midst of a shower.
   So there we were at about 8:00am, simultaneously scooping our neighbor’s shower water out of my two sinks with plastic cups for twelve to fifteen minutes and taking turns sprinting to the backyard to dump it on the lawn because what they hey do you do with used shower water?!

   Now I sit here as a RotoRooter man uses some crazy pipe-cleaning machine on my sinks to pull out massive amounts of hair and…such. I don’t even let my hair go down the drain! Why is this happening?!
   Oh and did I mention that it also flooded the cupboards underneath?
   It also flooded the cupboards underneath. Yay for wet feminine products!
   But, as with most things, I have tried to find the silver lining. Thank goodness I was home and could stop it from becoming a very wet, soapy, nasty disaster.
   Also, I’m very glad she didn’t need to, ahem, use the toilet.

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