

Thursday Thoughts IV

   First week of school has been just what I expected it to be: stressful, overwhelming, hot, busy, and tiring. I guess a touch of excitement and a smidgen of happiness because I got to see some familiar faces and being a senior in college is pretty sweet. Nonetheless I am still counting down the days until this crazy semester is over. Why do I always stretch myself so thin? You’d think I’d learn.

   Had a minor flooding incident yesterday morning.

   Today marked Day 2 of attending our campus gym’s 6:15am spinning class with my friend Ashley. On Tuesday we got there just in time and managed to snag the last two bikes. Today we planned to get there earlier so we didn’t get stuck with the crappy ones but OF COURSE the class was full. Ok MSU, let’s examine the situation here. Either purchase more bikes for the class or offer more classes. So frustrating. Ashley and I still did a mini-workout, not nearly as awesome as spinning, but not horrible. We got to chat about wedding plans (she’s engaged, too!) which is hard to do during spinning because, well, you’re dying. Right as we left the gym I also managed to drop my phone and shatter the screen!!! So basically today has just been a treat thus far!

   I was registered for this one credit yoga class (I’ve since dropped it because it was more inconvenient than interesting) and went on Monday. The teacher/professor/instructor? had us do this strange thing where you create your own “sankalpa” which is some weird word for “personal motto”. We had to answer a bunch of questions then form a motto-thing from how we answered them. It had a lot to do with what you want out of life, why you haven’t been able to achieve it, what you want people to remember you as, etc. This is what I came up with: “don’t sweat the small stuff – smile, laugh, relax and appreciate”. I hope I follow it because it definitely sums up what I need to change!

   Got to hang out with a litter of five of these cute lil’ guys for about an hour last night:

   Since they’re part of some prestigious European bird hunting club, all the puppies born in 2012 have to be given names that start with “H”. I named this little dude Harrison; probably won’t be his name but if it is, I demand credit!

   Today is technically my Friday because I don’t have classes tomorrow, just work. Lots and lots of work. I hope I can get a lot done this weekend so I can approach next week with a more prepared demeanor!

   Was part of an awesome engagement proposal on Sunday! Ah, love.

Happy Thursday, friends! Get out and enjoy these last long weekends of summer!


  1. Spinning is rough yo!

    Also, is it okay that I totally giggled about your flood?! ;)

  2. I just found your blog & its lovely. You are darling.

    1. Ah! Thank you :) I'm glad you "stopped by"! ;)


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